well, it is A LOT easier to post about Crosby's scans - AFTER the good report....but even though we get farther and farther away from the entire CHEMO journey...it is never far from the mind
Cros had scans last Tuesday. The usual drill. Mama getting all teary eyed and falling asleep in his room praying for him and playing with his shaun white curly hair. setting the alarm EARLY so we don't oversleep *even if mama doesn't really sleep* and Bret whisking Bren to school early with Cros NOT jumping out in the drop off lane since they are off to UK. I try to get ready and get our fashionista Em ready for Tuesday preschool *so thankful his scans are on the day she HAS preschool*.
OF COURSE, my little 3 yr old opinionated dresser and lover of dresses had trouble figuring out WHAT she was wearing on Tuesday....MAMA was nearly going crazy...it is hard enough getting HER to school on time thinking of her lil guy getting sedated...but wanting to make sure she was THERE when he awoke. Yes, Bret is the parent of choice by all parties for MRI sedation. mama can't take the whirring machines, the kicking during the blood access or the magic milk drinking....SO that is Daddy's job! ; )
However, this morning it was worse. Cros is now able to understand about scans and was excited he got to "play his ds" all day. hmmmmm what is wrong with this picture?! He also gets excited about breakfast at McDonalds *since he knows he can't eat or drink until AFTER scans". thus, you see the scans - hurry and wake up- drink some juice- carry to car- drive quickly thru campus to get to McD's before 1030 RUSH. Since his scans were at 8am and they take about 45minutes...then wakeup....we usually cut it close *especially since things are NEVER on time*.
SO....mama was on edge....eldest child remarks how she wishes she could have McD's for breakfast while chomping on a donut and somehow murmurs "no fair" in the midst. Yep, i about freaked...."NO FAIR????? yea, no fair Cros had CANCER!!!!"....but I think i kept that in my head......
SO en route to drop off Em at Building Blocks *late of course*....she blurts out "when i get cancer can i get McDonalds Breakfast"????
oh yes, crazy-ville for sure.
needless to say after dropping her off in her classroom i bee-lined to my mini-van and proceeded to CRY all the way down Winchester Rd. to the hospital. why did i think makeup was a good idea today????
ANYWAY....remarkedly i arrived, puffy eyes and all, minutes before they called us back.....
Cros always makes me get weepy with things stuck to his chest, monitors beeping and crap shoved up his nose.....
But, he woke up grumpy, gulped down his juice and we carted our sleepy boy to the car and made it for breakfast by 10:22am ; ) nice. He DEVOURED 3 hotcakes and sausage patty plus a juice in minutes and we were back at clinic by 11am.
Of course, there are too many stinkin kids in the Oncology Clinic....one is too many...so when ALL the rooms are booked...never any fun. CANCER DOES SUCK. So, as old pro's, we got our chest xray orders and headed there....Cros had on a skully cap with his curls spilling out and ALL the ladies in xray love it! He did GREAT and we were back upstiars to play ds and wait for Dr. R. If you read my caringbridge site you will know he FREAKED ME OUT this time around. I will spare the details - but the radiologist did not read his scan tuesday (GRRRRRRRRRR) and one crazy mama later we found out Wednesday morning ALL IS WElL!!!!!
super duper thankful!!!! yes, i cried tears of JOY while Emery kept telling me to "calm down". funny now.
anyway, poor Dr. R apologized to Bret two times that he was not sensitive to my nerves...but the funny thing was, at Academic Team Challenge on Saturday...with 1900 Fayette COunty school kids at the local HS, and Bret and I switching cars and kids.....Emery and I run into Dr. R in a hallway in the HS! We were the ONLY people in THAT HALLWAY. poor guy, he probably wished he could RUN AWAY from crazy mom ; ) Yes, poor Romanian Oncologist- he apologized again. I felt bad...but he was super nice and well, thankfully Crosby is STILL CANCER FREE and praying he will ALWAYS be. Mama is still crazy and will probably always be, because he is my boy. our miracle. ; )
SO....back to Tuesday. the good dr. and bret and I were counting up his chart and it looks like we are beginning year FOUR off treatment. he ended 2/28/08 and here we are in march of 2011. So, from what we can tell....we are in year four and scans are SIX months apart. scarey but good. *unless my millions of readers calculate that differently of course -let me know*
SO....scans good. : ) praises abounding : ) thankful for much.
i may just post on my fashionista 3 yr old next.....i know figured out where she gets her crazy-ness from......
So thankful all is well.